Blavatsky Blogger

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What has Akasha ever done for us?

Posted 3/4/07


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There is no such thing as empty space (not in the universe anyway). Not even a vacuum is empty space simply because it is devoid of physical matter. Akasha is the essence of space and time and acts as an unseen counterpart to the manifest universe acting as a template and Time Lord.

Kant and Plato postulated that the visible or phenomenal universe is supported by an invisible or noumenal universe. Kant included time in this equation with his theory of backward causation.

In the 1690s, John Locke postulated nearly 200 years ahead of his time that matter consists of attributes supported by a substratum. What holds it all together and maintains its form appears to have been beyond speculation.

We cannot perceive it and science, which deals only with the physical universe, would not recognize it. Akasha is often referred to as substance which it is but is not physical matter. It is more a power or principle that provides a support and template for the physical universe, it does not have form and attributes but creates and supports them. This is a difficult concept, a substance without form or attributes which supports these.

Akasha is not the Ether of scientists which is really a lower physical element and not the prima material of Alchemists which was postulated as a basic physical substance.

The basic material from which the universe is made is called Mulaprkriti which is root matter but not matter as the physical universe knows it rather potential matter.

At the beginning of creation, potential matter exists (Mulaprakriti) which is formless and attributeless. This has to be impregnated with spirit driven by the will of a creator or first cause (I like the term Divine will of the Architect). Physical matter is now made but needs to take form and that’s where Akasha comes in. Akasha is the invisible counterpart which provides the shape form and time change schedule of the physical matter.

But Akasha is not self determining with a will of its own.

Akasha cannot act without something driving or manipulating it and in this sense it is the instrument of divine will. Within his remit of manifestation mankind has a very limited ability to direct Akasha through religious ceremonies and personal will.

Akasha functions everywhere and at many levels and I hope to cover this in future Blog entries.


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