Blavatsky Blogger
Taking Theosophical
into the 21st
Hopalong Cassidy
As a Man
Thinks, so he Becomes
Hopalong Cassidy
This is an
anonymous article taken from the internet about actor William Boyd who became
inseparable from the Hopalong Cassidy character that
he played. I put in the title above as I think that William Boyd’s life is an
outstanding, although rather extreme, example of The Theosophical maxim “As a
man thinks, so he becomes” being put into action.
William Boyd
Anonymous article taken from the
Hopalong Cassidy
When I was
a little boy I used to ride the range astride the arm of my father's big chair while
I watched my hero, Hopalong Cassidy, on our black and
white TV set. Hoppy was my hero for all
reasons young boys have heroes.
He was
strong and handsome. He fought for justice. He rode a big horse really fast and
he wore cool outfits. Even today Hopalong Cassidy is
still on my heroes list.
My mom
liked Hoppy for different reasons than I did. She
liked him because he was always polite. He always drew second. And nobody got
killed on his show. Neither of us knew that both the Hopalong
character on our TV screen and William Boyd, the actor who played him, had
started out as something very different from what we saw.
character, Hop-A-Long, was created by a writer named Clarence Mulford who came from
So was William
Boyd, the actor who would eventually be the Hopalong
Cassidy I knew. He was born in Ohio and grew up in Oklahoma where he had all
kinds of jobs before heading out to Hollywood.
He had
been a successful actor in both silent movies and talkies. Cecil B.DeMille cast him in several movies. But he was also a
drinker and a woman chaser. Biographers differ on how many times he was married
before 1935. It was either three or four, none of which lasted very long.
In the
early thirties Boyd's career was stalling. His once blonde hair had gone
prematurely gray. Parts were harder to come by. That's when an independent
producer named Pop
wanted to play the character, but he wanted the character to be more like what
he thought audiences would like. He pushed for a straight-arrow good guy who
fought for justice.
At first
the character was called Hop-a-long Cassidy, and Boyd – like the original Hopalong Cassidy character – walked with a limp. In later
movies, the dashes and the limp both disappeared.
loved Hopalong. So did Boyd. It seemed like he was
becoming more and more like his character every day. Soon Boyd didn't curse,
just like Hopalong. He quit chasing women, too.
however, wasn't because Hoppy never had a romantic
interest. In Boyd's case he just found the romantic interest he wanted for the
rest of his life.
1937 was
the year Boyd married Grace Bradley. They remained together until he died. With
his personal life in order and support at home Boyd began to concentrate on
promoting his character and on the business of being Hopalong
He started
by hocking or selling just about everything he could to buy the movie rights to
the character. In 1942 he set up a production company and started turning out
the Hopalong Cassidy
went really well until the end of the forties. Then series westerns, like Hopalong Cassidy, were on the decline in the movie
theaters. People were tired of them. Boyd owned the films, but he didn’t have
any place to sell them.
sometime around 1948, a technician he was working with told Boyd about
television and how you could show movies on it. The entrepreneur and
businessman in William Boyd saw the possibilities
He also saw that he’d need to get complete rights to the Hopalong
Cassidy character in order to make his plan work.
In order
to do that Boyd had to go and talk to Clarence Mulford,
who wasn’t all that pleased with the way Boyd had changed his character. Mulford was pleased, however, with the possibility of
some more money from the character and so the men came to a deal.
One more
time William Boyd pawned, mortgaged and sold everything he had to seize an
opportunity. Things got so bad that at one point when he was invited to appear
on the Milton Berle show he
have the money for a plane ticket.
In 1949,
Boyd cut several of the movies into fifty-four minute lengths and started
showing them on KTLA in
In 1952,
the show became a half-hour show. Twelve more movies were cut down from their
original length to fit this, and forty new movies were produced.
aggressively promoted the character and the show. He appeared at rodeos and
state fairs and just about any event that people would have him. And he was
always gracious to the kids he met.
He loved
milk. He’d stop at a dairy and convince them that it was a good idea to have
him as an endorser. Some pictures would get taken, and that dairy’s milk would
soon bear the label, “Hoppy’s
It all helped promote the show, but Boyd saw opportunity beyond the show itself.
Boyd understood his audience and understood that people really identified with
their heroes. They wanted something of their hero around them when the TV show
was over. Hopalong Cassidy products could do that.
So Boyd
became one of the very first to license his character and likeness to
manufacturers who eventually made over 2500 different Hopalong
Cassidy products and a mighty stream of wealth for Boyd.
Here’s a
partial list. There were costumes, wind-up toys, toy figures, binoculars, dart
boards, knives, badges, guns and holsters, roller skates (with spurs), drinking
straws, radios, wallpaper, sheets, blankets, reader records, lunch boxes, and
There was a Hoppyland Theme Park. And there was the
ultimate collector’s item, The Hopalong Cassidy
roll-fast bicycle.
Like with
the dairies, Boyd worked tie-ins with lots of other businesses as well. One
favorite was the Hopalong Cassidy Savings Club. Hoppy would show up at the local bank to promote the club
and meet
the kids. The kids would get a certificate, a picture of Hoppy,
a real savings passbook for the account they opened with five dollars, and a
bank shaped like Hoppy’s distinctive hat with
a coin slot
in the top where you could drop your pennies.
By the
time Boyd died in 1972 the hard-drinking Hopalong
Cassidy character had become known as the “Milk-drinking, polite champion of
the West.” The hell-raising William L. Boyd had adopted the
persona, and both – in some strange alchemy – would be loved by children who
had seen them and who shaped some of their values around the values they
Other facts about William Boyd
Cecil B DeMille
offered him the part of Moses ahead of Charlton Heston
in the 1956 Film, The Ten Commandments. He turned it down because he thought
his Hopalong Cassidy image would damage the film.
In the last ten years of his life, he
had a cancer operation and suffered form Parkinson’s Disease. He forbade any
photographs and declined any TV appearances as he believed it would upset
younger fans to see their hero in such poor shape.
“As a man thinks, so he becomes".
This generally accepted, and often
quoted, maxim of the Theosophical Society is found in Annie Besant’s Life and
Life after Death, published 1919
The full quotation is
“Now your character is built by your
thoughts; as you think, so shall you become. It is written in the Chhãndogyopanishad: "Man is created by thoughts. As a
man thinks, so he becomes".
Several other variations appear in
Theosophical writings including
“what a man thinks, that he is”
From H P Blavatsky’s Gems from the East
“that which he thinks upon, that he
From Annie Besant’s Bearing of Religious
Ideals on Social Construction
Variations of the maxim occur in both
Buddhist and Hindu scripture
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